From October 2022, the work of the NABCOP has been expanded on by two new national audits of primary breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer in women and men of all ages.

Find out more.

Quality Improvement Resources

An introduction to Quality Improvement, QI tools and case studies

Introduction to Quality Improvement for Professionals

We provide links to useful sites that give a good introduction to QI for professionals.

Source Title
Royal College of Surgeons of England RCS and Quality Improvement
Royal College of Surgeons of England Quality improvement in surgery
Hughes, RG Tools and strategies for quality improvement and patient safety
Health Foundation Quality improvement made simple
HQIP Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals
NICE Putting NICE Guidance into practice
NHS Wales Improvement Cymru

Introduction to Quality Improvement for the Public

We provide links to useful sites that give a good introduction to QI for the public.

Source Title
HQIP Introduction to quality improvement for patients and public 

Tools for Quality Improvement

A number of organisations provide tools for QI.

Source Title
NHS Improvement Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools by stage of the patient pathway
NHS Improvement Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) tools by type of task
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit
HQIP Good governance handbook
HQIP Clinical audit: a guide for NHS Boards and partners
HQIP A guide to quality improvement tools
East London NHS Foundation Trust Quality Improvement Resources

Quality Improvement Case Studies

Below is a list of QI case studies.

Source Title
NHS Scotland QI Case Studies